Maria Chiara Deregibus


Expert Senior Researcher. She worked for several years at University of Turin (Incubatore 2i3T, Centro di Medicina Sperimentale – CeRMS) and previously at Buffalo General Hospital (Renal Immunopathology Laboratory). She collaborated with several pharmaceutical companies such as Fresenius Medical Care and SiS-Ter S.p.A. Maria Chiara holds several patents and scientific publications.


Specialization in Hygiene, University of Turin

Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Turin


Scientific activity was carried on in the field of inflammation and angiogenesis, oncology, cell and stem cell biology. She is an expert on extracellular vesicles derived from stem cells or biologic fluids (serum, plasma, saliva) and their biochemical characterization (protein, mRNA, miRNA content), isolation methods, biologic activities (paracrine signalling of progenitor stem cells), possible therapeutic and diagnostic applications. She was among the first scientists to describe the ability of extracellular vesicles to transport functional nucleic acids to target cells.